Working it out

I have decided to revamp how I have my page set up.

I have predominantly used the site just to audition under the impression “If my voice fits, I’ll get the job.” But this has been less fruitful that I would hope. I have decided that I will produce and record several more reels for a more diverse taste of my abilities.

When considering what could be preventing my being hired by these jobs, I put myself in the shoes of the people hiring. The first metric that is visible on the jobs that I see come my way is the “VoiceMatch” system. This system is one that uses to filter for closer matches to what the client is searching for.
In my musings, the “VoiceMatch” (hitherto referred to as “VM”) would act as a quick filter for auditions. If the client has more specific needs from the voice, and they input those needs in their system, it seems to be a consistently higher score for me. I get the lower scores for the kinds of voices I either absolutely don’t match, ie non-native-english-speakers in english-speaking roles, or that are so broad that it must be difficult to make those kind of general choices.
These kinds of choices must be made easier by the existence of the VM system. Technically any voice that is good enough will do, so if they have 150 thirty second auditions to listen through, it would make it much easier for them to just filter to 90% VM, or 80% VM, and just ignore all the rest.

And so, from that, I have come to three conclusions:

  1. That I should do as I decided at the beginning of this post

  2. For now, I should only audition for 80% VM while I work on that

  3. I should make a job posting so that I can see how much goes into that decision making process

That last one I think will help me understand what the casting people have to deal with, and will help me streamline what I would be looking for.

Thank for reading!

Things are Happening

I have returned once again to update this site. A few changes have occurred, some are immediately obvious, and some less so. I decided to update the colour of the background to a steely blue-grey, and have updated the links to my socials (feel free to follow the links).

I have also updated many of the images on the front page to reflect better how my current setup looks. Pretty nifty, huh?

I added a narrative/descriptive to the voice overs page, which was recorded for the creature club podcast.

That’s it for now. Nothing for a long time, and then lots all at once!